Gallbladder Contraction
Moving bile salts into the intestines for digestion (essential for digesting fats and absorbing vitamins A, D, E, and K).
Moving bile salts into the intestines for digestion (essential for digesting fats and absorbing vitamins A, D, E, and K).
Crucial in the digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in the small intestine.
Allows more time for digestion and absorption of nutrients; prevents overloading the small intestine with chyme.
Regulates food intake and prevents overeating.
Helps maintain a healthy and functional digestive system.
Helps regulate blood glucose levels after eating.
Protects intestinal lining and optimizes pancreatic enzyme function in less acidic environments.
Prevents an increase in glucose and fatty acids in the blood.
Regulates anxiety, pain perception, and memory.
Acts on the brain to promote satiety.
May provide neuroprotective effects.
Positively interacts with hormones such as secretin and gastrin to regulate the digestive process.